Intro to Coding Course Summer 2019

Intro to Coding Course - Summer 2019

Description: This course is designed as an introduction to basic coding concepts and writing in R. Students will learn how to write and interpret code, as well as how to utilize various packages within these platforms. Additionally, students will gain experience in using other bioinformatics tools that are available online or were developed at the University of Toledo.

Goals: By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand basic coding concepts, including data input, data manipulation, biostatistics, and visualization.
  • Write and interpret code utilizing these concepts in R
  • Use online tools for further bioinformatics analyses

Format: Students will meet for one hour each week, for eight weeks, to review concepts, hold demonstrations, and discuss questions that arise. Prior to each class, students will view a video prepared by the instructors as an introduction to that lesson. The instructors will also provide a list of additional resources each week, and in general, for those who are interested in further reading.

    Classes will occur via Echo360, and will be recorded for students who are unavailable during the regular meeting time.


  • Time commitment: 2 hrs/week
    • Pre-lesson video/reading: ~1 hr
    • In-person meeting Wednesdays at 3pm: 1hr
7/10/19Course OverviewMarissa Smail & Jim Reigle
7/17/19Introduction to R EnvironmentJim Reigle
7/31/19Basics Concepts of CodingJim Reigle
8/7/19ExcelMarissa Smail
8/14/19Data ManipulationJim Reigle
8/21/19StatisticsKhaled Alganem
8/28/19VisualizationKhaled Alganem & Jim Reigle
9/04/19Applying What We Have LearnedKhaled Alganem & Jim Reigle & Marissa Smail


Jim Reiglereiglej@mail.uc.eduUniversity of Cincinnati
Khaled Alganemkhaled.alganem@rockets.utoledo.eduUniversity of Toledo
Marissa Smailsmailma@mail.uc.eduUniversity of Cincinnati
Rammohan Shukla, PhDrammohanshukla@gmail.comUniversity of Toledo
Khaled Alganem
Graduate Research Assistant
