
Drug Central

DrugCentral provides information on active ingredients chemical entities, pharmaceutical products, drug mode of action, indications, pharmacological action.

Drug Gene Budger

Drug Gene Budger (DGB) is a web-based and mobile application developed to assist investigators in order to prioritize small molecules that are predicted to maximally influence the expression of their target gene of interest


Drugmonizome is a web portal for querying sets of known drugs and computing significant biomedical terms that drugs in the set share.


DrugShot is a search engine that accepts any search term to return a list of small molecules that are mostly associated with the search terms.


iLINCS (Integrative LINCS) is an integrative web platform for analysis of LINCS data and signatures


Kinexus is a online resource developed by Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation to foster the study of cell signalling systems to advance biomedical research in academia and industry

Open Targets

Open Targets is a tool that supports systematic identification and prioritisation of potential therapeutic drug targets.